Speedy NEWS

The 21st century has arrived for the Japanese!

I am not interested in what the new name of the new era will be, but I hope that this will be the start of the “21st century” in Japan.
Unfortunately, I do not believe that the “21st century” has arrived in Japan.
In the Western world, the advent of the new century triggered the collapse of Sears and Toys “R” Us, while at the same time the information industry, including Amazon and Facebook, sprang up.

Meanwhile, in Japan, as in other countries, the leading companies of the 20th century, such as Toshiba, went under, and Sharp became a Taiwanese company. The rise of emerging powers was expected, but no world-class companies of note emerged. This is due in large part to the fact that the new era did not turn on the switch in the head of the Japanese government.

People are not moved by plans alone. People gather in Shibuya and make their own decisions based on their moods without the help of a major advertising agency.

I believe that those who are just starting out should have the mindset that “the carriage rides in the spring.