Speedy NEWS

1997, age 32. Even if you don’t have a job, try to do what you want to do.


1997, age 32.
After being fired from Tohoku Shinsha, Fukuda somehow decided to become a graphic artist, bought a used IBM “Aptiva” computer (500 mega capacity), and began designing on a tablet.
Then I received a request from an American postcard production company, “GENIE!
‘Purgatorial town’ (Sanzu town)
The design was put on the website. This was probably because there were surprisingly few sites at the time, and few were search engine friendly.
I carried my 3-year-old daughter on my back and went to Aoyama in the evening to make a delivery. Due to the infrastructural situation at the time, the delivery was made by hand. There was a beautiful black woman in charge on the street near the cemetery. She was the Japanese country manager. We talked about the possibility of designing digitally.
I remember when this one came out of the attic. Since then, I have had a few job offers, but I don’t think they were for much money.
He then called himself a designer until Sony Pictures Entertainment picked him up. But in terms of income, he had almost no income.