Speedy NEWS

After Corona : 20th Century and 21st Century

Miscellaneous weekend observations.
What is so 21st century about it?
‘If you have time to think about designing a house, shouldn’t you be thinking about how to get to Mars?’
Elon Musk gave away all his houses. This was probably because he thought that owning a house was an old-fashioned 20th century concept of “ownership.
In the 21st century, “use” is fine, and I think he has a unique proposal in this area.
It is fascinating to think that Musk, who could have enjoyed his enormous wealth and leisurely space travel at first with PayPal, would not do that and take all of humanity to Mars.
I don’t need a house or an office.
In Corona, I got the feeling that I didn’t need an office, but in StayHome, I thought I needed a house. This may have been the downside of Corona. I think the value of a home will decrease relative to the value of a home if travel becomes free again.
◆ Reference
Sold all mansions! Elon Musk Moves to “Prefab Living”