Speedy NEWS

After Corona : What’s fashionable and what’s out of fashion


What I think after reading the following Toyo Keizai article.
It’s easy to understand why lipsticks suddenly don’t sell because they wear masks, but the important point for marketers is how to think about the after-corona, not such a phenomenal thing.

Touchable items” are avoided, while “non-touchable items” are very popular.

Platter → Lunch
Party → Withdrawal
Doorknob → Automatic door
Shared Rides → Self-driving Cars
Crowded train → Solo travel *Remote work will not take hold
Kiss → Reading
Cash → Electronic Money
Office → Digital Nomad

There are business opportunities for those in industries that are often avoided.
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New Lifestyle Creates Difference between “Selling” and “Not Selling” “Specialty Foods” that Sell, but Not Selling Lipstick” | Consumption & Marketing – Toyo Keizai Online