It’s a time like this, so let’s spend it laughing. Sanyutei Koraku Master × Sanyutei Tomu, his disciple First “Online Father-Son Meeting”
Speedy Live! × Yard Channel
In times ...

Those master rakugoka will hold their first online yose! 7/12 (Sun) Taihei Hayashiya, 7/19 (Sun) Koraku Sanyutei (Speedy Live! Feat. Yose Channel)
Those master rakugoka will hold their f...

Speedy LIVE! Sakamoto Yorimitsu Online Katsuben! Film “Kokushi Muso” (20 min.) Saturday, 6/27, 5:00 p.m.
Yorimitsu Sakamoto, the "activist bens...

Summary of the 4th AI Salon (Organized by Speedy, Inc.) [Design that asks questions: Thinking in the age of AI] Keynotes Speaker: Sputniko! (Associate Professor, Artist, Department of Design, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Design that asks questions - t...

November 15 – December 23, 2019 [Things from Beyond the Sea] Exhibition, Los Angeles
Exhibition Period: November 15 - Dec...

Summary of the 3rd AI Salon (Organized by Speedy, Inc.) “Is Artificial Intelligence an Angel or a Demon – The Near Future of Humanity and AI” Keynotes Speaker: Ihoko Kurokawa, Artificial Intelligence Researcher, Sensitivity Analyst, Essayist
Is Artificial Intelligence an ...

September 8 – October 27, 2019 [SURF – iNK Namiboku] Exhibition (Los Angeles)
Exhibition Period: September 8 - October...

August 8, 2019 – January 13, 2020 STAR WARS™ Identities: The Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
Exhibition Period: August 8, 2019 - ...

June 20 – 23, 2019 [Fake Exhibition] – The real thing is in the fake. (Tokyo)
Exhibition Period: June 20 - 23, 201...