Next to cryptocurrencies comes the era of full crypto “cryptocash!”
A discussion with Uri Nakamura...

NON-chan came to visit us at the artist Hideki Kimura’s “Ki-Yan Collection” exhibition!
Non-chan came to visit me!
He ta...

Finally, today (May 20) at 6:00 p.m., Keeyan’s (Hideki Kimura) first art opening party!
Finally, the opening party is today (M...

Ki-yan Collection Straight Simple Easy Free @B&BItalia Tokyo 2022.5.19-29
Exhibition Title: "Ki-Yan C...

A new exhibit (MASAKO) has been updated on the 3D online site, a complete reproduction of the Speedy Gallery.
Speedy Gallery Los Angeles
3D Onl...

Speedy Gallery Special Event : Painter Hideteru Kimura a.k.a. Keyan’s First Art Exhibition in Aoyama, Tokyo! (May 19-29)
As a Speedy Gallery special project, t...

Speedy Gallery will join the Bergamot Sturgeon Art Center (20 galleries) for the Spring Festival & Silent Auction.
Speedy Gallery will join the Bergamot ...

Speedy Gallery : Lunch with Artist Billy Zane’s Art!
Creative Lunch.
The Four Seasons Ho...

A tour of Pasadena led by actor/artist Billy Zane!
Hollywood star and artist Billy Zane g...