
(ピリカ+Sony Digital Entertainment+ Cafeteria Culture (CafCu) / Styrofoam Out of Schools (SOS)
株式会社ピリカ 代表の小嶌 不二夫 (Fujio Kojima)さんから、その話をきいたときシビれた。
今回、ニューヨーク在住で環境問題のドキュメンタリーを撮っているAtsuko Quirkが共鳴してくれた。
ピリカ: http://corp.pirika.org/
Cafeteria Culture (CafCu) / Styrofoam Out of Schools (SOS): http://www.cafeteriaculture.org/
[No Littering Project in NY]
(ピリカ+Sony Digital Entertainment+ Cafeteria Culture (CafCu) / Styrofoam Out of Schools (SOS)
I was so impressive that Fujio Kojima (CEO PIRIKA Inc.) said ‘ I decided to No littering all over the world using science and technology.’
His mother said when he was childhood ‘You need to do the right thing as born to be a human.’
Fujio developed camera appli ’Hawk Eye’ to analyzed garbage in town.
And this time, my friend Atsuko Quirk (Documentary film director) has interested to this project.
Atsuko organized volunteers in NY, and research around East Village and Brooklyn. The government of a municipality may concern it by the garbage has digitized it and made a map.
This is only first step, move forward next!
PIRIKA: http://en.corp.pirika.org/
Cafeteria Culture (CafCu) / Styrofoam Out of Schools (SOS): http://www.cafeteriaculture.org/