Thank you! Nonn” Live at Home Vol. 2 successfully ended with a great success!
Thanks again to all of you who came ou...

A museum where you can walk around with your phone?xax Enjoy Los Angeles art galleries anywhere in the world-Speedy Gallery VR
Three months ago, on March 19, 2020, I...

NON” No. 2 in “Favorite Actress” ranking! Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for everything!
The annual "Favorite Actress Ranking" ...

YouTuber Yuka Kinoshita : First live-streaming to mainland China was a great success! (Collaboration Technology x Speedy)a
Live feed ends!
133,229,000 people wat...

Speedy LIVE! Sakamoto Yorimitsu Online Katsuben! Film “Kokushi Muso” (20 min.) Saturday, 6/27, 5:00 p.m.
Yorimitsu Sakamoto, the "activist bens...

Power foods from the Edo period boost your immune system!
According to Takeo Koizumi's newslette...

After Corona : From Business Cards to the Era of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)
Returning to the business scene after ...

This book is a humanistic and scholarly chronicle of the oddities and oddities of world history and geography based on the Bible.
I watched NHK Sunday Museum of...

We think for ourselves, rather than being forced by politics or made to shudder at conspiracies and falsehoods. It is time to reflect the power of our own thinking (the people’s level) in our politics.
Lecture at Yokohama College of Art

Ray Yamada’s a cappella live video is now available on “apple music”!
Seven videos of Ray Yamada performing ...