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Talked dialogue: “Elitism” – President Macron and Napoleon’s Strategy – Mai Yoshino, Associate Professor of Fashion Business, Faculty of Business Administration, Tokyo Seitoku University, and Director, Sezon Museum of Contemporary Art, Japan, and Jun Fukuda, Brand Consultant (Part 1)

In this time of pandemic, it is important for leaders to be elitist in a positive sense.
I think this is how the French Minister of Insurance felt the other day when he went through two hours of explaining anti-virus measures on a live TV program without looking at his notes.

Talked Dialogue [The “Elitism” We Need Now: President Macron and Napoleon’s Strategy]
Mai Yoshino, Associate Professor of Fashion Business, Faculty of Business Administration, Tokyo Seitoku University, and Director, Sezon Museum of Contemporary Art, Japan x Jun Fukuda, Brand Consultant (Part 1)

Yoshino: “Rather than following the rules, I think it is pride and awareness that we are making the rules. It is not about following the rules because you are told to, but about pride and awareness that what you do makes the rules and protects the game. People at the top can work hard and enjoy the pressure because of this. That is the kind of French elite education, but Napoleon actually laid the foundation for it.
Until Louis XVI, it was naturally a society of rank, and although there were of course exceptions, generally, if you were born into a good family, you became a minister or a captain of the Kingsguard. However, when Napoleon became emperor, it became necessary to create excellent human resources in a culture that differed from the history and traditions of the past. So, he created the elite schools that are now the basis of France. The Polytechnique of Science and Technology has been featured on Japanese television because its students march down the Champs-Elysées in uniforms that look like Napoleon’s on Revolution Day.”

Composition: Junko Io
Photo: Yukiko Koshima

Paris Update 2, “French Health Minister to Brief Public on Live TV for 2 Hours Without Looking at Memos.”