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Corona Thinking : 3D printers are used to create the medical facilities we need

Rendered image of a situation utilizing Vulcan concrete [courtesy of New Story].


Let’s think it over.

There were 641 clusters that occurred in Tokyo during the 11-month period from February-December 2020.
This includes 174 (27) businesses %)、医療機関94件(15%, 90 (14) senior care facilities %)、飲食店85件(13%.

It is clear why this request for restraint is several steps less effective than the previous one. First, it has not stopped schools. They have even administered the common test. The possibility of asymptomatic children and young people delivering the virus to the elderly is high. First, we should take the same measures as last time.

Companies should ensure that they are remote. This should be as close to a mandatory requirement as restaurants. I have no problem working remotely. I hear that commuter trains are usually crowded…crazy!

And about medical institutions and the elderly. Why doesn’t the government just say there aren’t enough hospitals and build simple facilities like in China? We live in an era of ゙building゙.

And it is the only developed country where vaccination is not clearly defined. What the hell are you doing! This is a problem of the government’s ability to do its job. They are too incompetent to do their job.

Food and beverage cluster, that’s the lowest number of cases. But everyone is gritting their teeth and working hard.
So, no matter how you look at it, I believe that Japan’s current disastrous situation is the result of politics.

If you look at tomorrow as a continuation of yesterday, new ideas will not come to mind. If you have a sense of science fiction (the ability to formulate hypotheses) to think about what is needed now, you will be able to innovate. Innovation is not achieved by doing the same things as others.

◆ Reference
Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, begins construction of a centralized quarantine base.

How NPOs Are Expanding Low-Cost, Rugged 3D Printed Concrete Homes

The New Normal in Architecture? 3D printer house” built in 24 hours

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