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Innovation in In-Drama Lifestyle

I started watching the TV drama SUIT on Netflix last spring when Corona started and quickly finished watching it through season 8.
The last episode of season 8 had a kind of happy ending, so I thought it was the end of the series.
Then I recently learned that there is a final season 9 that aired in 2019 on U-NEXT.

Unlike in 2020, when everyone experienced “home time” for the first time and watched it as an escape from reality, now, with our longer experience of self-restraint, we can afford to calmly consider the background of the drama.
I thought this drama is no different from “Hanzawa Naoki”.

There is no innovation whatsoever!

Values are always prioritized internally. Naoki Hanzawa” looks like he’s been sentenced to death if he’s left. In “SUIT,” love is added to the mix.

The characters in these two dramas don’t have anything like a dual life or a hobby community to create another lifestyle. They just work without a break.

Everything is the 20th century work style. I go to the office as if I’m going to a factory; viewers 20 years from now will be surprised when they see it. Paralegals are fine with AI, secretaries are fine online, and real files are fine in the cloud.

Even now, in the 21st century, I am amazed when I see movies of bank robberies from long ago. I am amazed that cash was still in that place. In a cashless society and a blockchain world, robbing a bank would seem like a team-building sideshow. There won’t be any bank robberies that don’t involve hackers!

The movie “Phone Booth” (2002), starring Colin Farrell, is a story about a sniper who takes aim at you and you can’t get out of a phone booth. There are no such boxes anymore.

There would be no “SUIT” or tie in the after-corona, and there would be no office to begin with.

In this light, Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” has not faded away. Scenes such as the one where he wonders if he will be betrayed by an AI in space are still very realistic.

Not that you have to innovate in movies or dramas, if it’s just to pass the time, but if not, I like entertainment that stimulates my brain! I’m talking about.