世界的なミュージアム(ガダービー博物館・美術館、ノッティンガム城など)やHauser & Wirth(ロンドン、香港、ニューヨークなど)の3Dサイトも手がける「V21 Artspace」 (ロンドン)と提携。
追伸: この青年がギャラリー全ての360度撮影を30分くらいで撮り終えた。すげー

Speedy Gallery Online viewing launched!
Online viewing of a complete 3D reproduction of the gallery is also available!
Can’t visit the gallery in Los Angeles? We’ve got you covered! You can enjoy the exhibition from comfort of your home with our online gallery.
We have partnered with V21 Artspace (London), an organization involved in setting up the 3D websites for Hauser & Wirth (London, Hong Kong, New York, etc.) and other world-class museums (Derby Museum and Art Gallery, Nottingham Castle, etc.).
↓No apps required! Easy view from your browser on your PC or smart-phone! Also you can purshase all the art pieces through website from all over the world.