SCOPE Miami: Speedy Gallery Booth , Tae Hue, Kei Sugiyama, Moeko Maeda, Tetsuya Tamanoi
Speedy Gallery is having an exhibit at SCOPE this weekend! Please come visit us if you haven’t already.
This exhibit features four artists.
Tae Hue’s art is very labor intensive, taking 3 months to create each piece of dots. The scenery looks different when seen up close and at a distance. It has a healing effect that calms the spirit whenever you see it.
Kei Sugiyama’s work depicts ten thousand deities on an antique printer frame. The basic concept is a modern version of the Mandala.
No human figures are depicted, and chairs and other icons of life are represented in ceramic, because people’s belongings represent their characters more than their figures.
Tetsuya Tamai’s three-dimensional art is inspired by Japanese monster movies of the 1970s. From there, he weaves a taste of American pop into his street art.
Moeko Maeda’s art is coated in layers of salt. This allows the work to breathe and has a relaxing effect on the viewer.
Speedy gallery Booth B11
SCOPE Art Miami Beach
801 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach

川添象郎、武田 圭太郎、他86人