Speedy Gallery : 本日(5月28日 LA time)アメリカでギャラリーを立ち上げて丸5年(2018年5月28日
本日(5月28日 LA time)アメリカでギャラリーを立ち上げて丸5年(2018年5月28日)経った。
追伸:ギャラリーの写真は創業時のDTLA時代のもの。現在は、Santa Monicaに移動している。
そんな時代背景に合わせて、私自身もマーケティング会社(ソニー・デジタルエンタテインメト)を2017年に辞め、アート、エンタメに特化した企業としてSpeedy, Inc.を2018年に設立した。ロサンゼルスではアートそのものを生業とし、東京ではアートを活用した企業のブランドコンサルタントをしている。
福 田 淳
I have been a marketer for many years and have worked with global companies such as P&G, Coca-Cola and Nike based in Asia. In particular, I have specialized in digital marketing since before mobile internet became popular in the U.S. (2001), when social networking became popular (2016), I got 100 million social friends and was honored as the best marketer by Cartier and Warner Bros.
Marketing is considered to be about design thinking. Design always has a solution. There is a client, and there is a goal.
However, in recent years, digital marketing seems to have reached a dead end.
Efficient methods of presentation to customers no longer resonate. I think there is a shift from a logic-driven design mindset to a freewheeling artistic mindset. I have more opportunities to make content and story proposals to clients that cannot be resolved in a single season.
Through client proposals, I learned the power of art and decided to open an art gallery in Los Angeles, a city that has a strong feeling of being in the world. Art does not have to be for everyone. Art needs only one person who understands it. we have moved from the era of mass production and mass consumption of the 20th century to a society of diversity, where everyone has their own individuality and tastes to gain from.
In keeping with this historical background, I myself left my marketing company (Sony Digital Entertainment) and founded Speedy, Inc. as a company specializing in art. In Los Angeles, I make my living from art itself, and in Tokyo, I work as a brand consultant for companies that utilize art.
I am delighted that the pandemic is over and the time has come for people to love art again.
Speedy Gallery will continue to offer fresh and inspiring artwork created by emerging artists.
Archie Fukuda