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The campaign for the new food-related label “Oishii Shosetsu Bunko” (Shogakukan), of which NON is an ambassador, has just started! | 株式会社スピーディ

Speedy NEWS

The campaign for the new food-related label “Oishii Shosetsu Bunko” (Shogakukan), of which NON is an ambassador, has just started!


The campaign for the new food-related label “Oishii Shosetsu Bunko” (Shogakukan), of which NON is an ambassador, has just started!

Currently every three months, we are publishing a novel dedicated to food, including recipes, gourmet food, and restaurants.
Actress/Creative Artist Nonon sent us a nice message for the second publication (September).

Win a book autographed by NON (fill in the name of your choice)! Read “The Delicious Novels Library” and enter!