A thought on the management policy of Japan Inc. (the world after the conflict in Ukraine)
I’m thinking about Japan from the air over Los Angeles to Narita.



The Ukraine conflict marked the end of the globalist economy in the world.
Will the Western countries and democracy that we Japanese believe in really work in the future? In fact, less than half of the world’s countries have adopted democracy. Dictatorships and socialism prevail. This is because democracy requires asking the will of the people at every step, which makes decisions slow, just like a businessman’s company. On the other hand, a dictatorship is an owner-operated company, so as long as the top management is not in the wrong, decisions can be made quickly.
Since democracy is one experiment, it will need to be improved in the future. What kind of management should Japan Inc. be in the midst of the current active international politics? By the way, you should know that Japan’s level of democracy is falling in the ranks every year, especially in media freedom, which is on par with dictatorships. (You know that joke Chris Rock made, right?)
I don’t understand why Japan, which is neither a NATO nor an EU member state, is sending large amounts of taxpayer money to Ukraine and deporting Russian diplomats in order to curry favor with the U.S. Japan’s actions in the Ukraine conflict are really in its national interest. Japan is not a NATO or EU country. This has been clear since the Obama administration. The US is no longer the world’s police. (Humanitarian wise, you should pay more attention to Cambodia!)
In fact, the United States is a country that has never won a war. Korean War, Vietnam, Afghanistan. In each case, it either drew or lost. Even in the recent conflict in Ukraine, the U.S. has denied sending troops from the beginning. And it will not send offensive weapons such as tanks and air fighters. Only defensive weapons are provided. The Japan-U.S. Guidelines for Defense Cooperation also state that in the event of a Japanese contingency, the Self-Defense Forces will take the lead in responding to the conflict, while the U.S. military will provide support (defensive weapons) and supplement (intelligence, training support, and operational support). No troops will be sent.
Now, Japan has three fronts militarily, but in addition to its neighbors China and North Korea (and South Korea!), it has now needlessly worsened its relations with Russia. In addition to China and North Korea (and South Korea!), Japan’s relations with Russia have deteriorated needlessly this time.
In an emergency, even if the U.S. and allied nations can deploy multi-domain operations (naval and air forces supporting Japan with missile attacks from safe locations away from the conflict zone), they would have to fight at home for at least two months. If Russia invaded Hokkaido, how many days would the SDF last?
Japan has fewer and fewer options. Japan should focus on improving relations with China. This is where Japan should focus its efforts. Without investment and tourism income from China, it will be difficult for Japan Inc. to rebuild its business.
And the extreme depreciation of the yen must be dealt with. 100 yen to the dollar becomes 130 yen, which means that %も日本の価値が下がったことを意味する。勇んでSWIFT制限してロシア包囲網とか言ってるが、ルーブルは最初少し下がったが、今は紛争前の水準に戻っている。(新規住宅建設コストが30% 30 in the eyes of the world (the dollar). %も日本の価値が下がったことを意味する。勇んでSWIFT制限してロシア包囲網とか言ってるが、ルーブルは最初少し下がったが、今は紛争前の水準に戻っている。(新規住宅建設コストが30% are expected to go %も日本の価値が下がったことを意味する。勇んでSWIFT制限してロシア包囲網とか言ってるが、ルーブルは最初少し下がったが、今は紛争前の水準に戻っている。(新規住宅建設コストが30%!)
Why? Because we don’t have as much power in the West as everyone thinks we do. We are only being shown the world from one side of the stage. Not a single Middle Eastern country, including Saudi Arabia, has joined the Russian sanctions. This is because the U.S., which cries loudly for decarbonization, interferes with their national interests. In other words, when all the owner states – Russia, China, and the Middle East – are connected, and India is added to the mix, salaried states like the EU, the US, and Japan cannot compete. Currently, direct flights from Moscow to Dubai are coming and going briskly, and the Russian rich are actively investing in real estate and art in Dubai.
The U.S., with its shale gas, has strong consumption even with inflation, and its GDP is growing at a rapid pace. Japan, with its droll, internationally-minded attitude, has no strategy to play it cool, and so it is steadily reducing its own profits. If the prime minister were the president of a corporation, he would be fired immediately. The Upper House election is a general meeting of stocks to judge such things.
Now, what would you do if you were the president of Japan?
This is no time for GW to be visiting Europe! It’s time to repair relations with the owner states. First, as mentioned above, it will be to improve relations with China. Next, it is time to repair relations with Russia. Policies should be put into effect to allow Japanese trading companies and others to actively participate in the “Sakhalin 2” natural gas project offshore Sakhalin in the Russian Far East. Here, China will become a business rival.
At the same time, to control inflation due to high oil prices, we can consider the development of nuclear power plants, as Bill Gates would consider, or, until then, restarting nuclear power plants (which would be decarbonized, in a manner of speaking) with proper management as an option.
Since we are a major client from the Middle East, buying 90% of our imported oil, we will explore the possibility of partnering with them on renewable energy, which they are investing heavily in. (It would be good to import renewables produced in the Middle East (since we don’t have control over the domestic 9 power); it would be a good opportunity to leverage the 9 power’s national power grid. It will help improve relations with the Middle East.
The basic strategy is to improve relations not only with the West but also with the owners’ clubs (the Middle East, China, and Russia). Japan’s characteristic ambiguous diplomacy will work. (Also known as “multilateral diplomacy.

While relations with the EU and the U.S., which are 10,000 kilometers away from Japan, are good, it would be more beneficial for Japan to get along with its neighbors. If we get along well with our neighbors, we will not have to spend on defense.

While relations with the EU and the U.S., which are 10,000 kilometers away from Japan, are good, it would be more beneficial for Japan to get along with its neighbors. If we get along well with our neighbors, we will not have to spend on defense.
Japan should secure new energy sources based on new security, without the cost of defense and other politics. (to meet the huge future demand for electricity) Decarbonization at home will take too long.
The national government should prepare the infrastructure for urbanization. Kakuei Tanaka’s “Theory of Remodeling the Japanese Archipelago” is still an effective prescription even today, and the “Theory of Remodeling the Japanese Archipelago” for the 21st century will not be limited to “boxy things” but will also include digital-based DX that will accelerate the evolution of real society.
By creating DX-ized smart cities that create labor value based on security through international-minded, multidimensional diplomacy, Japan Inc. can once again be called the Rising Sun.