Why Soup for Art Will Destroy Humanity
There are all kinds of PR in the world.
The act of making people aware of a product or claim is called marketing, and in the 20th century it was the most expensive. In the pre-Internet era, television was the most effective marketing method, and without money, neither products nor claims could be made known to many people. The Olympics were such a relic of the 20th century, and there were people who made it their personal profit.
However, things changed drastically in the 21st century with the spread of the Internet. Social networking sites, in particular, have increased the media power of individuals. On the one hand, the ability to draw public attention to topics that are not in the spotlight is a positive aspect, but on the other hand, if used improperly, it could allow Russia to manipulate the U.S. presidential election.
Now, what has become a problem in recent months is the attack on masterpieces by radical environmental activists. They throw soup, cakes, etc., at people around them and spread the word on social media (no need to gather the media!). A structure was created whereby the major media picked up on the story. Their slogans include the following.
“He insisted that this is a desperate appeal based on scientific evidence and should not be taken as mere destruction of property. “We have stated that we will continue our ‘nonviolent direct action’ until the government meets our demands to stop using natural gas and coal and invest in at least 20 gigawatts worth of renewables. “Last Generation, an environmental group.
There are people who are destroying the earth. Think about that. Artists tell you to think about the earth. That’s why I did this,” said the activist who threw the cake at Monalisa.
How would you feel if something beautiful and precious was destroyed in front of your eyes? In protest against the British government’s decision within the next two weeks to “drill for oil and gas in the North Sea,” they poured tomato soup on Van Gogh’s masterpiece to “protect the planet’s ecosystems and humanity.” Two activists from the environmental group “Just Stop Oil” went so far as to glue their hands to the walls of the museum.
There are no more discussions, no more scientific and technological developments. These methods are not only ineffective, but they also reduce the momentum of the world because they are not favorable to the topic. I despair more at the poverty of their ideas than at the future of the earth.
Most of the radical activists are young people who are not even old enough. I don’t consider young people to be immature and old people to be mature. But when you go out into the world, you realize how difficult it is to persuade people. If people cannot understand each other, they cannot do anything. Radical activists do not understand this. Extremism deepens divisions and keeps problems from being solved. The fact that Greta is no longer invited to COP is also a sign of division.
The politicians (the people who run the world) do not think, “Oh well, if they want to destroy precious art, we have to stop oil right now. It is a completely wrong marketing approach. It is public opinion that drives politicians and businessmen. It is consumers. It is the consensus of the people on the street. Therefore, trying to attract attention by playing tricks on the art that everyone loves is only going to draw opposition, but not sympathy.
Ironically, Germany will not have thermal energy to get through this winter because of its deteriorating relations with Russia. And it has lost its nuclear power plants during the Merkel era. We will see what activists consider a future of despair this winter. We will all freeze to death before climate change turns the earth into a hell oven.
So, what should we do?
Japan, the only country in the world to be hit by atomic bombs in World War II and to suffer damage from the Fukushima nuclear power plant explosion caused by the earthquake, relies heavily on thermal power generation. Although it has the world’s lowest CO2 emitting thermal power technology (Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle), it is not easy to switch to renewable energy. Therefore, Japan has no choice but to restart nuclear power plants. Otherwise, Japan will become Germany. Either we die now or we will die in the future from the heat of the moment. In the short term, the only way is to restart existing nuclear power plants.
Japan currently leads the world in nuclear fusion technology. Fusion power generation is completely different in safety from current nuclear power generation. Fusion power generation generates heat energy by “fusing” two light nuclei together. In contrast, nuclear power generation generates heat energy by “splitting” a heavy nucleus such as uranium into two lighter nuclei. Therefore, a fission reaction is constantly taking place in a nuclear reactor, which must be constantly controlled by a controller to prevent a runaway reaction, which can be triggered by an earthquake or other uncontrollable event.
With global warming in the offing, mankind is working hard to develop technologies and is repeating the process of trial and error. In a country like Japan, surrounded by oceans and volcanoes, windmills and geothermal power have potential, but fusion power generation is by far the most promising technology that can produce results with a speed commensurate with the investment.
According to businessman Makoto Naruke, the most efficient nuclear fusion fuel is helium-3, which is found in the mineral ilmenite in lunar sand. Although it can be obtained by heating lunar sand to more than 600 degrees Celsius, nearly 3,000 tons of lunar sand must be processed every day to supply Japan’s annual power consumption, and further technological development is needed.
If we look at the world with a simple dualistic view of thermal energy or renewables, there is no future for the earth. Such technological innovations are evolving at an accelerated pace with the development of quantum computers and AI. So I am optimistic about the future. History will not repeat itself. If humans were that stupid, they would have died out long ago.
If you have time to hook your soup on a masterpiece, I wish you would go to a science college and study science and technology.
◆ Notes
Quad energy ministers meeting that should promote “Japanese thermal power generation technology” with low CO2 emissions.
November 10, 2022.
On April 10, more than 90 of the world’s most prestigious museums issued a joint statement condemning the “gross underestimation” of the damage that could be caused by a series of attacks on masterpieces by environmental activists in various parts of Europe.
November 05, 2022
An activist with the environmental group “Rebellion Against Extinction” glues his hands to the frames of Goya’s masterpieces “Maja Naked” and “Maja in Clothes” at the Prado Museum in Spain.
November 4, 2022
An activist from the environmental group “Last Generation” protests by pouring bean soup over Van Gogh’s “The Sower” at the Palazzo Bonaparte, a museum in Rome, Italy.
October 14, 2022
Two young men were arrested for pouring tomato soup over Van Gogh’s masterpiece “Sunflowers” at the National Gallery of Art in London, England. https://hypebeast.com/… /climate-activists-throw-soup…
May 31, 2022
Attempted defacement of the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum in France by throwing a cake at it.
November 8, 2022
Warhol’s masterpiece covered in blue ink at the National Gallery of Australia. Environmental activists protest.

Keitaro Takeda, Yasuyuki Takashima, and 59 others
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