Speedy NEWS

I met Kazuhiro Tsuji, who won an Academy Award for his special makeup for the movie “Churchill!”

We met with Kazuhiro Tsuji, who won an Academy Award for his special makeup for the movie “Churchill.
He is currently working as a contemporary artist creating unique three-dimensional face works.
I got to visit your exciting L.A. studio!


Please read your book. You are a wonderful creator.
Book “A Life Fascinated by Faces”
Author: Kazuhiro Tsuji
Publisher: Takarajimasya



There is a station called Bergamot on the outskirts of Santa Monica, and there is a gallery district next to it.

In one of the galleries, Copra Gallery, there is a Jimi Hendrix work by Kazu. It is very powerful.

Kazu’s Jimi Hendrix sculpture in Copra gallery at Bargamot gallery town.
Jimi is chasing me, interesting.

