Speedy NEWS

A conversation with producer Shoro Kawazoe, creator of YMO and Yumi. We asked him about the secret of their hits.

A conversation with producer Shoro Kawazoe, creator of YMO and Yumi. We asked him about the secret of their hits.
↓YouTube [Serial entrepreneur Jun Fukuda talks with the seasoned people of the moment on Talked.jp! Please subscribe to the YouTube page.
Kawazoe: “The secret of a hit is to be curious and interested in various things and thoroughly enjoy them. The secret of a hit is to be curious and interested in various things, and to thoroughly enjoy them. Only those who have gained that experience can create a hit. (omitted).
Because only happy people can send happiness. If unhappy people send out radio waves, everyone will be depressed. (omitted).
Always keep your antennae up, even when times change. That, plus experience, is what it’s all about. And then there’s the spirit of service, of wanting to entertain people and make them happy.”
Click here for the full story.
1.[The God of Hits came to the U.S. alone at the age of 19! https://youtu.be/t3EiFBTTtRE
2.[Everything is haphazard.]] https://youtu.be/Yl2z3loac9k
3.[Yumi, creator of YMO] https://youtu.be/sABYyAVWI3A
4.[The secret to the hit is,] https://youtu.be/qiB1lA8gfoU
For the text version, click here -> http://talked.jp/145/