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Private Villa Okinawa Hyakuna (THE VILLA Okinawa) : Garden concept from plant hunter Seijun Nishibatake: “Return to nature. Become one with the local community.

Private Villa Okinawa Hyakumei (THE VILLA Okinawa)
The other day, plant hunter Seijun Nishibatake drew up a slick plan for the villa’s garden, and the concept of the villa’s garden was solidified. He said, “Go back to nature. To be at one with the local community. The selection of plants began with this concept in mind.
First, as a prologue, we had three of Okinawa’s precious sugar palms planted. They were transported by a huge heavy machine. The excellent staff at the Sora Botanical Garden worked quickly and efficiently, and the project was completed in three days!
They plan to include plants that are also found in Okinawa, such as houjouboku, kaemboku, and benjamin. There is also an idea to put rosemary crawling around the pool to repel mosquitoes. Stay tuned.
I’ll get used to the earth little by little!