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Los Angeles, the energy of the city makes people creative.

Los Angeles Miscellaneous
The skies were gray both last time and this time due to extreme weather conditions.
. More and more people are thinking that summer will not come this year. It is that cold and cloudy.
…only Cayennes and Teslas in town…you like SUVs…
Tokyo is full of tourists while L.A. has almost no tourists. Is this due to the strong dollar?
Downtown seems to be making a comeback. The power of the city is amazing.
When I come to this city, I am inspired by the energy of the people. Everyone is working hard in an appropriate manner. The assumption of hard work is not necessarily seriousness. Of course they are being serious, but I think it comes from a climate that compels them to say so. We are a multi-ethnic country with many immigrants. Everyone has different roots and customs. In such a society, it is tough to live by expressing oneself, and that is normal. That is why they speak and communicate with others harder than Japanese people.
You have to live with repeatedly confirming what you want to do and what the other person is thinking. You have to say the same thing an awful lot and confirm it and talk about it until you are satisfied if you have doubts.
I never read the atmosphere of the place. No, I can’t read. I don’t have to think about what I don’t know because I can’t imagine what people are thinking. Or, if I’m interested, I just ask questions. That’s how I think. There are good things about Japan, but there are also good things about America. But here, there are no philosophical questions such as, “What does someone think about me?” There are no philosophical questions and answers such as “What does someone think about me? If you try to do something in advance, knowing what someone might do, you will be asked the question, “Did that someone do that? If you try to do it, you will be asked, “Did that someone do it? In other words, the concept of discovery does not exist. Communication to understand each other is troublesome, but it is easier because it is not based on imagination.
I like both Japan, where people automatically know what they are talking about, and the U.S., where people say, “If you don’t understand, just ask.