Speedy Resorts feat. Speedy Farm : Gekko (Getto) grows wild on the proposed construction site!
Speedy Resorts
Gekko (gotto) was growing wild in the proposed construction site. It has beautiful pink buds and yellow flowers.
Immediately, boil it and make “tea”, “soba noodles”, “insect repellant

Transformed into

Transformed into
Gekko is a herb from the “Okinawa Wild Herbs Guide” (written by Yuriko Otaki in 2012 – out of print and cost 7,200 yen in a used book!) According to the “Mildew” magazine, “It has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, prevents skin fungus, and helps restore skin elasticity due to its high moisturizing effect. It is richer in antioxidants than vitamin E, and contains about 30 times more polyphenols than red wine, which helps promote collagen production. It is also said to have the ability to slow the decline of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin due to aging.
… How versatile a herb is that!
So, the decision was made to transplant at Speedy Farm!